Sports Training

Customizable tools for sports coaches.
SportsTraining, a 100% Portuguese brand, was founded in 2011 to provide high-quality tactical boards and essential tools for coaches across various sports. With a strong focus on innovation, quality, and creativity, their products are designed to improve the performance of coaches and athletes alike.
3D Art
Art Direction
Brand identity
Campaign Concept
Content Planning
Digital Advertising
Digital Services Integration
Digital Transition
E-commerce development
Editorial Design
Email Marketing
Front End Development
High/Low Fidelity Prototypes
Lead Generation
Marketing Mix
Motion Design
Packaging Design
Partnerships Prospecting
Printing Production
Processes Optimization
Research and Business Strategy
SEO Planning
SMS Marketing
Social Media
Tasks Automation
Tools Development
User Research
Video Direction
Web design

To create a comprehensive design and marketing strategy for SportsTraining that effectively showcases their range of tactical board products and services, targeting sports coaches and teams seeking innovative solutions for strategizing and communication.

The project required the development of a modern, dynamic, and bold website with a focus on customization, incorporating black, orange, and white color schemes and elements of industrial, cement, and grass textures. Additionally, the project entailed the creation of e-commerce functionalities, video production, digital advertising, web development, project management, partnerships, automations, digital tools, business strategy, marketing mix, SEO, and optimization.

Successfully developed a visually stunning and user-friendly website that highlights SportsTraining's customizable tactical boards and services, catering to the needs of sports coaches and teams. The final output effectively conveys the brand's modern, dynamic, and bold identity, showcasing the unique qualities of their products and services. The comprehensive marketing strategy helped increase brand visibility and reach, ultimately leading to an expanded customer base and stronger partnerships within the sports industry.

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Sports Training
Sports Training

Sports Training

Sports Training
Sports Training

Sports Training

Sports Training
Sports Training

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