Hospital Santa Bibiana

A satirical journey to a crazy old reality.
St. Bibiana Hospital combines the best of vintage design and modern psychiatric care. Upholding the tradition of Portuguese hospitals named after saints, this institution is devoted to serving the adult population with specialized mental health services while embracing its historical roots and values.
3D Art
Art Direction
Brand identity
Campaign Concept
Content Planning
Digital Advertising
Digital Services Integration
Digital Transition
E-commerce development
Editorial Design
Email Marketing
Front End Development
High/Low Fidelity Prototypes
Lead Generation
Marketing Mix
Motion Design
Packaging Design
Partnerships Prospecting
Printing Production
Processes Optimization
Research and Business Strategy
SEO Planning
SMS Marketing
Social Media
Tasks Automation
Tools Development
User Research
Video Direction
Web design

To create a visual identity and branding for St. Bibiana Hospital that pays homage to its historical context and reinforces its commitment to providing exceptional psychiatric care. The design must evoke a vintage feel, incorporating elements of Portuguese culture, and establish a strong, recognizable brand presence across various marketing materials.

The challenge was to develop a cohesive branding concept that seamlessly blended the vintage aesthetic with a contemporary understanding of mental health. The design needed to respect the hospital's historical ties to Portuguese culture and St. Bibiana while creating a modern and approachable visual identity that appeals to today's patients and their families.

The final design successfully married the vintage feel with a modern approach to psychiatric care. A color palette of light pastel pink, dark brown, and bright dark orange, along with serif fonts and rusted appearance, captured the essence of St. Bibiana Hospital's historic roots. The branding, including posters, brochures, and website prototype, effectively communicated the hospital's dedication to mental health and its unique connection to Portuguese heritage, ensuring a strong and memorable brand presence.

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Hospital Santa Bibiana
Hospital Santa Bibiana

Hospital Santa Bibiana

Hospital Santa Bibiana
Hospital Santa Bibiana

Hospital Santa Bibiana

Hospital Santa Bibiana
Hospital Santa Bibiana

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