Pedra Furada

Discovering an luxury hotel in the forest.
Pedra Furada brings together the breathtaking beauty of Sintra's heritage and the innovative TreeHouses concept, creating a luxurious escape for those seeking harmony and closeness with nature.
3D Art
Art Direction
Brand identity
Campaign Concept
Content Planning
Digital Advertising
Digital Services Integration
Digital Transition
E-commerce development
Editorial Design
Email Marketing
Front End Development
High/Low Fidelity Prototypes
Lead Generation
Marketing Mix
Motion Design
Packaging Design
Partnerships Prospecting
Printing Production
Processes Optimization
Research and Business Strategy
SEO Planning
SMS Marketing
Social Media
Tasks Automation
Tools Development
User Research
Video Direction
Web design

The objective of this design project was to develop a comprehensive branding and visual identity for Pedra Furada that would evoke a sense of luxury and capture the essence of the resort's unique TreeHouses concept, while promoting the region's natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Crafting the visual identity required balancing the resort's high-end, luxury appeal with the simplicity and tranquility of its natural surroundings. The branding had to incorporate elements like handwritten lettering, textures, and silhouettes, while maintaining a clean and modern aesthetic. The color palette, including black and matte shades, needed to be integrated seamlessly with embossed elements to further enhance the resort's sophisticated image.

The final design successfully blended luxury and nature, resulting in a visual identity that truly represented the Pedra Furada brand. The logotype featured elegant, handwritten lettering, while the branding materials such as brochures, business cards, and stationery showcased a tasteful use of textures, silhouettes, and embossed details. The color palette and typography choices effectively communicated the high-end nature of the resort, and the overall design seamlessly integrated the TreeHouses concept with Sintra's rich heritage, creating a compelling and attractive identity for this unique and enchanting resort.

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Pedra Furada
Pedra Furada

Pedra Furada

Pedra Furada
Pedra Furada

Pedra Furada

Pedra Furada
Pedra Furada

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